Why being a Content Creator is a Top Career Choice for ADHD People

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Can Content Creator and Micro Influencer truly be your Career of Choice as an ADHD Person? & Will this career continue to be an option?

When I first began my journey of soul searching into the blog-o-sphere, I had no idea I’d end up using it as my career choice. But low and behold, not only is content creation and digital marketing my now chose career- it’s a lucrative one that is FULL of people just like me. And by that I mean other ADHD creatives that feel like they are suffocating slowly working a 9-5, and thrive greatly in a flexible and self-propelled career.

Content Creation as a perfect Creative Outlet with Income Potential

After being diagnosed with ADHD, I was afraid that it meant that I couldn’t have a successful career. But as I began to explore different options, I realized that being a content creator is a great choice for people with ADHD. This career allows us to share our thoughts and ideas with the world from the comfort of our own couch. We can work on our own schedule, and we don’t have to worry about meeting deadlines or pleasing anyone else but ourselves.

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Need stimulating assignments in your job environment? Content creation is the perfect Choice!

The second reason I believe being a Micro Influencer or Content creator is perfect for ADHD people, is it’s not the same thing daily. When you have ADHD, you crave stimulation especially from your work environment. If you are a content creator, you get to do things daily to gain that stimulation.

If you decide to create YouTube videos, you might get to utilize your creativity to showcase your skateboarding talents, or your singing. You might use it to showcase your cooking skills. By being able to decide what sort of activity you’ll spend your time doing, you have a much greater chance of being able to stay with that activity. Especially if it’s equally challenging for you as an ADHD person, as it is rewarding.

For me personally that creative choice was writing about ADHD.

It has since grown into also creating reels and TikToks, as well as writing for other influencers. But it doesn’t have to be writing. It could be painting, or tutoring. It could even be teaching a second language- being the creator of it, simply means you create it and then find a way to market your skill online. People follow micro influencers and content creators because they relate to them, and often they have skills they would like to acquire. You can probably think of a few influencers you follow for that exact reason. They aren’t much different than your neighbor next door, the only difference is they were willing to document their skill or passion and share it on a platform for you to find. That’s it.

You Get to Control Your Income Potential

Another reason I think Content Creator is an excellent career choice for ADHD people is the income potential. While I emphasize that using our income level to define our success in life, or to even measure our worth is NOT healthy. Not to mention a poor indicator of someone’s character or heart. That doesn’t mean that the security of creating a steady income for you and your family doesn’t have wonderful rewards. Not only for your stress level, but also for your self esteem.

When you choose to be a content creator, you have to make a strong commitment to see it through LONG before you will be able to monetize. For some, that is as short as 6 months, for others like myself that could take 5 years. Regardless, its the fact that you as an ADHD person are able to commit to it that makes you feel so great about yourself. Because when you get to create stuff around the things you already enjoy- it barely ever feels like work so it’s easy to stay committed.

being a content creator and micro influencer as an ADHD person

But is Content Creation and Micro Influencing going to continue an upward trend in ability to create a sustainable income?

Trends indicate yes.

Take for instance this article that states that micro influencers, AKA content creators with smaller more engaged audiences, took up roughly 91% of the ad engagement last year with sponsored postings. If you don’t know what a sponsored post is; it is when large and small brands pay influencers or content creators to create content about their brand, product or service. Yes you read that right: not only do influencers get free products to review, they get PAID real money to talk about their review on the brands chosen platform.

With the wave of TikTok and Reels, plus YouTube shorts (and let’s not forget Google’s new roll out of Google for Creators) short form videos are here to stay. And the algorithm’s being used in both TikTok and Reels give just about anyone with the guts and grit an opportunity to create a career.

Don’t mistake me: It’s not without work.

Bear in mind, any career choice for an ADHD person needs to have a few core things. Not only are the points I listed above important if you decide to be a content creator, but they are good points to look for in any career choice.

What about micro influencing as the Side Hustle?

As an ADHD person, I don’t usually know when I’ve overextended myself. Not to mention, with the high cost of living and the massive amount of my peers who are still paying off their student loan debt- the side hustles are here to stay for quite a while.

Especially when so many of those in our generation prefer to remain debt free or as debt free as possible.

Being an influencer can be the perfect side hustle for an ADHD person. Money can be made as long as you are able to put work into it.

You can take for example this woman in the Philippines, started her blog originally just to journal and log her running. A side hustle for her side hustle, and never really anticipated it turning into an income for her until she started working with brands. She’s still able to talk about the thing she loves the most: barefoot running. But by working with brands she’s able to also create a sustainable income for her family.

I’m not here to convince you that becoming a content creator is the BEST thing ever. All I’m here to say is this: yes, there is real money to be made as a content creator. And yes, I think it could be the perfect opportunity for ADHD people to create careers they love.

When I ask my bonus daughter what she wants to be when she grows up, she says “A Youtuber.” Because of what I do for a living, I don’t scoff at her. I think she very well could be a YouTube content creator and make a great living to boot.

LacyEstelle with Empowered Mom Life and Blogger Lacy estelle naturally combatting ADHD

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