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Introducing Lacy Estelle...
Lacy Estelle of Mothering the Storm is a Jesus follower, Wife, Mother, Daughter and ADHD Woman. On Mothering the Storm, she strives to advocate, validate and help in any way she can parents who are living with ADHD.
Through parenting her 12-, and 10-year-old ADHD boys and finding out she had masked her own ADHD her entire life Lacy grew to LOVE the subject of neuropsychology, the brain and how ADHD has affected every facet of her own life.

Our Brain is different...
When you have ADHD and are a mother, few may understand aside from those living inside our shoes. Our day to day life is a jump from chaos to chaos. That is why I created Mothering the Storm. To give Mothers with ADHD hope for their future, their children’s future and refuge from our daily life.

People who have never parented an ADHD child make statements that are discouraging, frustrating, and cut deep on a personal level.
If you are an ADHD parent, you’ve heard them too.

They save all their bad behavior for mom, or dad or whoever is the primary caregiver at home. What gives? Why do we as parents get the short end of the stick?
From our relationships to our self-awareness, ADHD can wreak havoc in more ways than one…

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