35 ADHD and ASD Stocking Stuffers for $5.99 or Less

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What?! ADHD and ASD Stocking stuffers for less than $6!! I know…I’m excited too!

Every Year ADHD and ASD Stocking Stuffers at Five Below are amiss…

Sure, there are many things still worth purchasing at 5 Below, I love the store and its mission. But the real question is; Do I, an ADHD mom, really want to fight the crowd on Black Friday for a few fidget spinners, and squishy balls? The likes of which won’t even be the color my child loves or the design he prefers? 

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Well, No. Not really. Not at all.

Shopping can be so overwhelming to a mom with ADHD. The planning and the driving. The mentally draining atmosphere of lots of people. People who are likely searching for the same things. Why do we do it? 

Part of me, pre-mom and pre-ADHD Diagnosis used to love Black Friday.

Now mind you, this was when Black Friday started at about 11 pm Thanksgiving Night. You could feasibly pull an all-nighter and finish your Christmas shopping before 7 am Friday morning. Then I would go home, sleep for 5- 7 Hours (If I was lucky). Wake up, eat leftovers all day and be a happy camper. Hiding gifts in the trunk of my car, until I could sneak them inside after the kids were napping.

Yes. I used to enjoy all the rushing and staying up all night.

But the truth is the more my life gravitates to an online-centric model, the less and less I enjoy the in-store shopping. Browsing? Well, browsing is leisurely and enjoyable and I can do that while sipping a coffee and perusing clothing that I long to fit.

But shopping?

In a Store?

On the busiest shopping day of the year?

No thanks.

So I’ve migrated most of my Christmas shopping to online. Plus, Cyber Monday is just amazing.

(BTW: It would be a good idea to Bookmark this page to check for Steals & Deals closer to November 26th…You’re Welcome!). 

So to help you make the most of your Holiday time, and stay home longer with your children I’ve partnered with National Autism Resources. Here are 35 awesome, small, and great stocking stuffers for (AAAH I know!) less than $5.99 each!! All for the ADHD and ASD stocking stuffers. For the special needs Child in your life. Or the inner child. Because let’s be honest, I love some of these as well. 

If you are reading this I imagine you already know how much Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder enjoy sensory engaging toys.

But these can go beyond the typical homemade slime and fidget cubes. 
There are squeeze balls, Jacob’s ladders, silly putty, rubber jacks, bendy figures and so much more. 

The National Autism Resource isn’t good for just kids either. They are full of resources for teachers as well.

As someone who understands all too well that ADHD Symptoms don’t simply go away, I thought it would be useful to arm yourself with options. These toys can make the difference between your child being able to pay attention or not. Not to mention, National Autism Resources site gives you so much more than just what I have here. If I had bumped my price cap by just $5, I’d easily have 100 ADHD and ASD stocking stuffers for you to choose from.

Hyperactivity or sensory seeking symptoms can look like restlessness, irritability and the need to move, itch, or be stimulated in general.

Recently I sent an E-mail to my oldest son’s homeroom teacher. It said: 

Hello Ms. [Teacher], 

J has brought to my attention that he is struggling immensely to pay attention in your class and that you do not allow fidgets. Would it be possible for us to come up with a different sort of fidget to help J focus? One that doesn’t distract other classmates etc. His last year’s teacher was allowed similar items for him. Such as chewing necklaces and pencil toppers. Let me know what you think. 

Thank you, 
J’s Mom, Lacy 

Her Response was something like this:

I would love to consider this but only if he can refrain from messing with the “toys” he’s been asked not to touch lately. He likes to get out his pencil sharpener among other things. I’d like to see him be able to not mess with these first before I consider allowing others. Thank you

35 ADHD and ASD Stocking Stuffers for the ADHD Child. Or Adult with ADHD. Lacy Estelle, Refuge for the ADHD Momma. Mothering the Storm

If you understand ADHD then you know, I made a giant facepalm after this remark.

You see, the hyperactivity & restless behavior is impossible to stop completely. Does J likely seek his pencil sharpener or other toys in search for stimulation for his brain? Absolutely. This energy he exhibits can’t be dissolved, it needs to be channeled.

What I encountered was a teacher who didn’t understand ADHD.

So I, proactively, gave J small solutions that didn’t look like the average fidget. Pencil toppers, or pencil grips being the main ones. For his ADHD and ASD stocking stuffers, I have a feeling St. Nick is also bringing the spaghetti ball, and the bendy man. 

The restlessness will always be there.

Read How to Survive the Co-Parenting Holiday Burnout [w/ADHD]

In adults, it feels itchy. The need to move around. Numbness in body parts. I personally, feel like my skin in vibrating. The need to move and adjust several times in a few minutes can make us look ill and drawss unwanted attention.

Channel the energy.

Utilize small tools listed below. You will be surprised to find how often these toys get used by your ADHD child. You may be even more surprised how much you use them as well. Don’t limit these ADHD and ASD stocking stuffers to just your kids. Snag a few for you too. Long lectures? Conference meetings? They are underutilized tools so your body can do mindless work physically, and your brain can focus on the important things. 

If you like this post, you should also check out my 25 Favorite Funny White Elephant Gifts List! 

35 ADHD and ASD Stocking Stuffers

For less than $5.99! 

Don't forget to Pin this for the next time you need to buy Gifts for the ADHD or ASD Person in your life! Even if it's for yourself. 

LacyEstelle with Empowered Mom Life and Blogger Lacy estelle naturally combatting ADHD

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